Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It's been a while since I uploaded anything, and there's been a few reasons for that.  The biggest reason, is that I got an industry job (!) and true to form, it left very little time for outside creative pursuits.

More recently, DDFL went kaput, and I'm now free to draw, paint, and upload things to a blog again.  As such, here's some paintings! 

This first one is a cutesy portrait of a friend's mouse character, this was a fun study exploring the use of bright saturated colors, and using temperature to turn form. 

 This second one is a quick sketch of a trickster racoon character, by the name of Loki, in reference to the god of mischief.  Also, experimenting with getting a watercolor look out of digital medium.

I'm looking at at doing some freelance work for a while, so more updates may be forthcoming.

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