Sunday, June 10, 2007

MYTHOS! (dun dun dun...)

It is OUT! You can download it here. What is out, you ask? Why, only the most awesome student-made-mod ever! (can you detect the modesty?)

Anyway, the last couple projects our student game production team has been working on are now out. Thunderflash (boo, hiss. As you can tell, I didn't really work on it. I kid though, it came out awesomely) and our project Mythos! Mythos is way cooler. Waaaaay cooler. You can tell because it's in bold. Also! Check out the lady to my right. Could she have been designed for a project that WASN'T cool? No. She couldn'tve. That's right, glad you see it my way.

The very SAD thing, however, is that she did not actually end up in the game. You see, I only came on the project when the projected deadline was about, say, a quarter away, thus by the time I was assigned this and subsequently produced it... there really wasn't enough time to actually make and add in a whole other character. Am I bitter? ... no. I mean, it'd be totally sweet to have her in, and the character guys were hugely disappointed that they wouldn't get to model her, but these things happen. Deadlines are a cruel mistress. Granted, I shouldn'tve been assigned her in the first place, but mistakes are what school is for. It was a good learning experience, everyone learned from it, and I got a nice portfolio piece. It'll be even sweeter when I model her for myself! And if we can release a patched version with her in it... well, sweetness will abound.

The art to my left? Pure production art. Got something to do with not much time to do it? Yep. This is what happened. The final look is a bit different, so in retrospect it didn't really get in the game either, but it got us where we needed to go at the time, and a bunch of "oooo"s and "aaaaa"s from the class, so I thought someone out there might want to see it.

As for something that DID make it into the game (oh happy joy), a Greek temple. I know it isn't a glowing green sword wielding half-undead goddess, but, you know, it's something. I also designed the temples that you see in the dinky little screenshot under this text, clicky if you want a closer look.

This temple is the only painted one, though, so that's the one you get to see. They're all made of the same material, so the asset people didn't really need more reference. In productions you cut corners where you can.

Who wants to see MORE art that didn't make it into the game? C'mon, cheer with me now! *deadening silence* Oh sure ya do. Anyhow, there was this thing with thrones for the greek gods, then they didn't want to do it, then they did, then they didn't have time to do it... big mess. Anyway, I designed up some thrones, as per instructed, and I thought this one came out rather well. There were some other seriously cool designs that asset people were drooling over and lining up to make... and then we ended up not doing them. Great.

Anyways, this is a small peek into what happens behind the scenes! Sometimes art directors change their minds, and good art goes unused. Happens to the best of us. Least I got some portfolio pieces out of it. :D

I actually started on the team as an "asset person" and thus have a number of 3d assets that also made it into the game, but those are for another blog (hopefully when my net calms down a bit, it's been freaking out lately). Since I proved my worth as a concept artist on this last game, I was moved onto the pre-production concept art team for the next games our production team will produce, see last post. We got a head-start making art for the next project, everything in those games will be student designed, so it's gonna be BIG.

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